Cloud Adoption and Infrastructure Optimization

Organizations can reduce costs by using cloud infrastructure since they won’t have to spend a lot of money on equipment and maintenance. As they are not investing in hardware, facilities, utilities, or building large data centers, these businesses can avoid capital expenditure expenses.

Furthermore, companies that use cloud data center services do not need to maintain large IT teams since they can rely on the expertise of their providers’ staff. In addition to reducing downtime costs, cloud computing allows businesses to increase productivity. Experts at SYNAPSE will manage your cloud services without disrupting your workflow. You can operate with a secured connection and negligible chances of cyber-attacks.

Steps to perform before implementing cloud adoption

Companies are investing a huge chunk of their budget on transforming their company and shifting towards cloud services. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, when remote working became a new norm, companies realized the necessity of cloud adoption. Many have already completed or initiated a cloud adoption strategy.

Like digital transformation, cloud adoption involves assessment, planning and execution. SYNAPSE team will help you understand the process and mitigate the risks involved during cloud adoption. It is not complicated; however, there are a few risks involved that we can take care of!

Companies associated with the healthcare, marketing, finance, and education industry are the fastest to adopt cloud services. SYNAPSE has helped renowned organizations to migrate to cloud infrastructure successfully.

Infrastructure optimization

Once you have a cloud adoption strategy in place, you can start measuring cloud infrastructure optimization to maximize yield. Many companies realize the importance of optimization after the mess is created, and then it consumes a lot of resources and time to get back on track. With our experience in the industry, you will not face this issue, and we can address flaws simultaneously while implementing cloud adoption.


• Reduces cost significantly
• Mobility
• Scalability
• Safe passage to perform daily tasks
• Data recovery
• No technical knowledge needed

Training and guide manual

SYNAPSE will manage your cloud services and educate your employees on making the most of cloud services.